Redactora UMH Sapiens: Patricia López Barceló
Being constantly aware of our mobile, having many tasks to do, or even an exam, are situations that can make us lose our nerves and short of breath. With the collaboration of Carolina Vázquez, professor of Social Psychology at Miguel Hernández University (UMH), we present this practical guide to learning how to keep anxiety and stress at bay in critical moments. In addition to finding a couple of exercises to control your breathing, you will be able to discover what tricks will improve some habits of your routine and how to start with meditation.
Come on, it’s very easy!
With the collaboration of Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

Did you like these activities? You have many more available, for young and old, in the special ‘Science in your living room.